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Book our Services Online....

Book our services online for your convenience.

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Book Our Services-Online

Book Online Consultation Appointment.(OCA)

Available Options-

1)Through Teledoc Sri Lanka Web platform- No 3rd Party apps needed. only " whats app " in your mobile phone is sufficient.  To book  an online consultation through our Teledoc Sri Lanka web site, or

visit Teledoc Sri Lanka website 

2) Through 3rd party medical apps

    (needs to download 3rd party apps and create an account with relevant app.)

  This service available across the following apps 

Consult Dr Leel through O doc app
Consult Dr Leel through Flash health app
Consult Dr L.K.Gamarathna through Doc 990 app
Consult Dr Leel through Deedmed app
online-medical-consultation-by Dr Leel

Book an In Patient Appointment (IPA)

  • Book an appointment with Doctor for in patient consultation at Doctors office .

  • Appointments are allocated only for the current date. 

  • All appointments should get confirmed by making an online payment (consultation fee).

Click here to request an appointment through whats app -

         [Type your Name]space [IPA

In patient consultation at the clinic

Book Mobile Sample Collection (MBSC)

  • offers doorstep sample collection  service for adult patients by a experienced nurse on prior appointments.

  • Samples are collected for the following labs on your request.

  1. Kings Hospital         

  2. Ceymed

  3. Well being Medilab

  • Charges​-Mobile sample collection service charge+Laboratory charges+Travelling  charge of Rs 100per km from our centre.

  • will be available on prior appointments only .

  • Usually the service is available from 7am-7.30am and 3.00pm-3.30pm (except on Tuesdays).

click here to request an appointment for mobile sample collection

Type [Your Name]space[MBSC] & attach your prescription and share your location.

Mobile laboratory sample collection

Book Home visit Service-(HVS)

Home Visit Service Provided by Medical Centre Bokundara

1) Service Area: The home visit service provided by Medical Centre Bokundara is available for patients residing within a 5km radius of the medical center. This ensures that patients in the immediate vicinity can benefit from the convenience of receiving medical care at home.

2) Appointment Basis: The home visits are strictly conducted on an appointment basis. Patients need to schedule a visit in advance to ensure that a healthcare provider from the medical center can attend to them at the designated time.

3) Non-Emergency Situations: It is important to note that the home visit service is not intended for emergency situations. Patients requiring urgent medical attention should seek immediate help through emergency services(1990) or visit the nearest hospital or healthcare facility.

4) Discussion with Doctor: Prior to making an appointment for a home visit, patients are encouraged to discuss their expectations with the doctor. This allows for better communication and understanding of the patient’s needs, ensuring that the visit is tailored to provide appropriate care.

5) Appointment Confirmation: To confirm a home visit appointment, patients are required to make an online payment. This helps streamline the booking process and ensures that the visit is scheduled efficiently.

6) Additional Charges: Depending on the procedures or services provided during the home visit, additional charges may apply. Patients should inquire about any potential extra costs associated with specific treatments or tests conducted at their residence.

Overall, the home visit service offered by Medical Centre Bokundara aims to provide convenient and personalized healthcare options for patients within a specified radius of the medical center. By following an appointment-based system, engaging in discussions with healthcare providers, and confirming appointments through online payments, patients can access quality medical care in the comfort of their own homes

Home visit service by a  doctor


We are always looking to deliver a quality healthcare service to you- Let's connect.

hot line 0766120039-

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